Saturday, October 9, 2010

Maja Bijedic: Identitet

Kada proljeće dođe

When spring arrives

Moja krv se ugrije

My blood warms up

Neke misli idu

Some thoughts go

A neke ostaju

And some stay

Moje riječi

My words

Nisu dobre

Are not good

Ni na jednom jeziku

In either language

I moj identitet

And my identity

Čeka da poleti

Waits to fly away

Jer ustvari to ne postoji

Because, actually, it doesn't exsist

To je neka bajka

That is some fairytale

U kojoj ja se borim

In which I am fighting

A jezici, i riječi

And words and languages

Su kamenje i meci

Are stones and bullets

Maja Bijedić

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